How Is Diabetes Managed?

How Is Diabetes Managed?

Diabetes is a dangerous disease if left unmanaged. Sustained high glucose levels, for example, can damage the nerves and blood vessels in the body. Left alone, diabetes can lead to complications like loss of vision, kidney damage, diseases of the heart, and hearing impairment, among others.

To prevent the otherwise destructive effects of diabetes, a primary care provider in Maryland will help diabetes patients come up with ways to manage their condition. The goal of diabetes management, first and foremost, is to control blood sugar levels as much as possible and prevent spikes and dips that can otherwise be dangerous to the patient.

In most cases, the doctor will also give the patient a crash course in medication training. If they need to inject insulin into their body to balance out their blood sugar levels, they will have to learn to do it on their own. Fortunately, it’s not rocket science. They just need to know which parts of the body they can jab in order for the body to absorb the insulin.

Finally, diabetes can also be managed through regular exercise and proper diet. Exercising releases pent-up calories in the body and lowers blood sugar levels. Proper meals, on the other hand, help you control the amount of carbohydrates that enter your body. Carbs are converted into calories as energy sources, but they also raise blood sugar levels when not consumed in moderation.

Diabetes requires long-term commitment to your management plan. The plan is not first aid that you only observe for a short time and expect results.

For more questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Patient Centered Health Care. We are a family clinic in Lanham, Maryland, and we’re ready to help you with your health care needs.

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