How to Prevent Hypertension with Food


Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension, or the DASH diet, is a special kind of meal plan that’s recommended to people who want to prevent hypertension or more commonly known as high blood pressure. By lowering one’s blood pressure, risks of cardiovascular diseases are also reduced.

Along with regular exercise and scheduled visits to a family clinic in Lanham, Maryland, the DASH diet can provide various health benefits, such as weight loss and the reduced risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. Many of these disease prevention benefits are attributed to the diet’s high fruits and vegetable content, as well as the minimal sodium intake.

You don’t need medication training to adapt to this type of diet. The DASH diet doesn’t list specific foods to eat but it recommends specific servings and how many calories you can eat.

If you have a primary care provider in Maryland that plans your meals for you, ask them if they can try to incorporate the DASH diet guidelines by:

  • Adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals.
  • Choosing whole grains instead of refined grains.
  • Using fat-free or low-dairy products and cooking with vegetable oils.
  • Choosing lean protein sources, like fish, chicken, and beans.
  • Sticking with low-calorie beverages, like water, tea, and coffee.

But aside from preventive care, Patient Centered Health Care also provides other medical care services such as physicals, immunization shots, and first aid training. If you want to know more about our different medical care services, call us now.

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