Tag Archives: Health Care


Your Health Guide: Our Priority

Look as far as trusted primary care provider in Lanham, Maryland, for reliable healthcare services. We understand the importance of accessible and comprehensive healthcare, especially for individuals aged 13 and above, whether or not you have...

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Primary Advantages of A Primary Care Provider

Working with a primary care provider helps improve your quality of life in so many ways. According to research, primary health services show a direct link to better health outcomes. Let’s examine the benefits of primary care one by one...

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Taking Care of Yourself When You Have Diabetes

Diabetes is a very common lifestyle disease that affects about 34.2 million Americans and it’s also the seventh leading cause of death in the US and the number one cause of kidney failure. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels cause this deadly...

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How Necessary Is CPR and First Aid Training?

Training for first aid is a great advantage in the everyday life. Not only is it helpful when it comes to emergencies, but it is also a life skill that you can bring anywhere with you. Being able to acquire the basic training in first aid response...

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How to Care for Wounds and Prevent Infections

Wound care is an essential task for those who are suffering from chronic or non-healing wounds. Otherwise, you'll suffer from infections. You will even need to go back and forth to your doctor's family clinic in Lanham, Maryland just to get...

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What Vaccinations Should the Elderly Be Given By Now?

Vaccinations can benefit people of all ages, not just children. As we grow older, some of the protection we got from our inoculations will fade and we will need what a primary care provider in Maryland would call “booster shots.” Even though...

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